Sheila Phillips Wins Award

Sheila Phillips Wins Award

Congratulations to Sheila for winning the BEE award for her excellent work:

Sheila is vital to the discharge planning education and training of our parents of our trach/vent children throughout the tower.  The skill level that it takes to ensure that our trach/vent children are able to discharge with the highest level of training and coordination often goes unnoticed by others.  Coordinating and working through an intensive 6 week program and planning to educate the parents/caregivers begins with teamwork between Sheila as the lead educator and the RN Case Manager who constantly maintain contact to ensure seamless process with a common goal of successfully and safely discharging the child and family home with confidence.  There is then a family meeting with Sheila and RN CM to discuss and plan the 6 week program.  There is 6 weeks of planning, coordinating, adjusting to family needs, being flexible to patient changes, being available to family even when not scheduled, communicating with physicians and nursing staff, anticipating changes which comes through being highly skilled in observation, and being a leader and team player. Sheila goes above and beyond often responding to family or staff needs even when she is not scheduled to work.  Her contribution, knowledge and expertise to this great specialty service that we are able to provide because of her deserves recognition and celebration.   Her work ethic is Excellence Always.  She always has a positive attitude, leads with compassion, willing adjust her training plan to fit the parents, holds others, herself and family accountable,  put others first and always puts the child’s safety at the top of her list.