Meet our newest employee
Amy Scott comes to us with adult acute care since 2011. Born and raised in Arizona. Welcome her to Texas…culture shock! She’s excited to start on her new journey.
Medical City Dallas Hospital Respiratory Therapy Department
Amy Scott comes to us with adult acute care since 2011. Born and raised in Arizona. Welcome her to Texas…culture shock! She’s excited to start on her new journey.
Thank you to all of our speakers and to all that participated in our annual symposium. If you signed in, and filled out an evaluation, you should have received an attendance certificate. If you did not, please see me. David Gibson BSCPS, RRT, RCP
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The Texas Medical Board (the agency that renews our RCP License), has partnered with “CE Tracker” to help practitioners keep track of their CEUs. Please note that this is an optional tool. To read all the CE requirements click here: To learn more about Click to read more…
Ramona Faught has accepted the role of Respiratory Care Supervisor at Medical City Dallas Hospital. Ramona has worked for Medical City since 1994, and is well respected by her peers, physicians, and nurses. We are delighted to add her to the leadership team. Congratulations to Click to read more…
You need to login to view this content. Please Login. Not a Member? Join Us All rights reserved. This website, including all its content, is the exclusive property of and is protected under international copyright laws. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of this material, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without prior written consent from David Click to read more…
The BEE Award recognizes staff members who go beyond exceptional expectations (BEE) through outstanding teamwork and significant contributions to positive patient experiences. Congratulations to Respiratory Therapist Cathleen Gamez, the most recent recipient of the Bee Award.
>>Click on the picture above to read the full text<< Of the 24 CEUs needed for TMB RT License renewal, 12 can be non-traditional (12 must be live). A good source for Non-traditional CEUs is Healthstream. How to find the free Healthstream CEU offerings: There Click to read more…
Introducing the Pneumatic transport vent known as the pNeuton The link below is a video found on the manufacturer’s website: Questions or Concerns? Use the comments below (must be logged in to comment) >Click on the picture to open this post< *************************************************************************** Click here to Click to read more…