New Pediatric Manager for Dallas

New Pediatric Manager for Dallas

Morgan Mora, shown here with Adult Manager Alberto Perez, has been appointed the Pediatric Manager for Dallas. Morgan most recently has been a supervisor in our department, and brings a wealth of experience to the role. Join us in congratulating Morgan for achieving this promotion.

Halloween Fun

Halloween Fun

This year Fall Carnival in the Children’s Lobby had tables set up from many departments in the hospital giving away prizes for games and such. All of these creative and fun for the little ones! Nothing more so than this year’s dinosaur-themed booth created by Click to read more…

Johnson Thomas: ABG King!

Johnson Thomas: ABG King!

Respiratory Care Week recognition goes to Johnson Thomas as “Best at ABGs”. Congratulations to Johnson for his hard work!

Roger Johnston

Roger Johnston

Happy Respiratory Care Week! Roger Johnston was voted “Most Prepared” among a other award recipients for RT week. Congrats to Roger and keep up the great work.